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2022 September LeadAbility Cohort Graduation
1 December 2022
Date: 01/12/2022
On Thursday 1 December, our September 2022 LeadAbilty cohort graduated!
We were privileged to welcome Mike Rowe, Director General of Department of Communities WA, to address the cohort during the ceremony. Mike spoke about the vital responsibilities of the Department in supporting Western Australians with a disability. He passionately spoke about the importance of the LeadAbility Course in empowering leaders to advocate for inclusion and grow disability representation in the workforce of our State.
Amy Green from the Department of Training and Workforce Development was elected the Valedictorian of this cohort.
Amy represented her fellow Graduates, speaking about the collective role of systemic change in WA.
“Too often those within this wonderful community are told to lower their expectations, but we do not accept this for ourselves.
We have instead decided to become the leaders we want to see in the world, a diverse collection daring to be vulnerable and empathetic and in doing so have the ability to come together to advocate for ourselves and others, to inspire and to “rock the boat” together to enact the systemic change our communities so desperately need”.
We are so incredibly proud of each and every Graduate in the September LeadAbility Course, you have embraced this journey with vigour, enthusiasm, and wholehearted commitment. We look forward to staying connected, and seeing what change you next inspire.
Our warmest congratulations.
Thank you to the Department of Communities WA for generously supporting the LeadAbility Course.