Date: 20 February 2024

Yesterday, we were excited to commence our Alumni program of events for 2024 as Alumni and guests gathered at The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia for the ‘Pathway to CEO’ event.

During an insightful afternoon, attendees heard from a panel of Leadership WA Alumni who are current CEOs. Our thanks to Rebecca Tomkinson (Signature 2012), Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA, Paul Dyer (Signature 2020), St John of God Health Care Midland, and Tanya Steinbeck (Signature 2016), Urban Development Institute of Australia (WA) for spending the afternoon with us.

Our panelists shared their unique journey to the ‘top job’ and the joys, challenges and opportunities they experience leading their organisation. Among many meaningful reflections, the panel highlighted that backing yourself is hugely important for success, not needing to be an expert on everything, but be able to ask smart questions and that the most rewarding part of their role is building a team, shaping an organisation and watching them both flourish.

The audience were later inspired by recruiting expert Julie Colvin, Managing Partner at Derwent, who shared her insights and expertise on how to ready yourself for the CEO recruitment process and how to succeed. Julie shared that preparation is key and that candidates should develop their mindsets to think like a CEO.

Thank you to the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA for hosting this event, to Rebecca, Paul, Tanya and Julie for speaking and everyone who attended.